Sabtu, 11 April 2015

HONEY BEE MOST IMPORTANT thing about taking the mixture of honey bees

MOST IMPORTANT thing about taking the mixture of honey bees:

1. If this is the first time you want to practice drinking honey, the best way is to try it out little by little, especially for children. This is because, for some people, they suffer from allergies / healing crisis from a severe / 'acute', for example, an asthma sufferer, will continue to sputter the 'acute' within 5 minutes after drinking the mixture of honey bees. Extra pre-caution is very, very, very, very important if you give to your child. For me, this is important because children may not be able to tell you what they taste exactly. Concern, they have severe allergies to honey bees and you failed to detect their allergies.

What is the message I always, for those who want to try the honey first time, I suggest they try to drink once a day, at least for the first 3 days and see how their bodies react.

This is because, if the goal is making honey as a healer asthma / asthma / wheezing, the patient should take honey more often in a day. But, I emphasize here, for goodness, for the first 3 days, take once a day only. If there is no problem, for 3-4 days thereafter, may dikerapkan intake to 2 times a day. If necessary, after the first week of intake, you can become more frequent to 3 times a day.

2. For a person who is allergic to honey bees, what they should do is they should take a little honey.

This is because the system is capable of building the body's immune system (immune system) to fight allergies caused by honey bees. Just like how the current vaccination ie in the process of vaccination, virus weak and dying injected into the body to be 'enemies' who' menggerak'kan immune system to create antibodies against the viruses that ground before, then, little by taking honey some also make the immune system works the same way.

3. Generally, to 'drink' honey, you must liquid honey. 'Melt' means mixing it with water at room temperature or slightly warm (warm warm here means the minimum), or mix with extraction / other materials such as lime (for a sore throat or cough), or dilute with mengemam honey in the mouth to honey mixed with saliva and then swallowed (practice hard for pregnant women).

To your knowledge, is the Sunnah of the Prophet drank honey bees.

Scientifically, according to a lecturer / Dentist in the hospital Kubang Kerian, an experiment on human cells carried out in the hospital to find liquid honey bee (with quantities that have been identified) provide better results than the results of the use of undiluted honey. In the experiments, the reaction was concentrated honey on the cells causing the cells to die, than liquid honey (with water) over nourish the cells.

4. After drinking the mixture of honey bees, as far as possible, DO NOT eat or drink anything for two hours straight.

According to a modern doctor, in his book, "HONEY BEE Drugs that fall in Revelation," Dr. Najib Abdul Karim al-Khatib, so is the way to take honey.

Based on my experience, drink honey bee is the first drink that gets into my stomach every morning. And I do not eat / drink anything for about two hours. So far, thank God, I can survive and not get hurt.

5. If your child is just learning to practice the drink mix honey, and your child is still hungry and want to eat / drink anything before quite two hours, trying to train your children slowly to refrain. Do not stress both yourselves if your child wants to continue to eat something else.

Think of it this way: At the very least, your child has started taking honey, than ever before, they had absolutely no healing agent in their body. Later on, there is plenty of room for you 'campaign' to them about making honey as a remedy for their health problems. Do not create a feud between them and honey. Example: honey is the principal cause of anger on them in the morning (because they do not want to drink and refrain thereafter).

What is important, show them your own you own 'walk the talk', in this case, you drink honey every day. (Do not just send the child to drink your own but do not drink.) My kids also there are times when refusing to drink the honey mixture. I do not force it, but when I drink, I will ask if they want to. Because there is no 'antagonism' between children and honey, there are times when they want. When they are cold or cough, do me a message so they drink the honey bees more often.

6. If your child does not like to drink water mixing honey, you can Whisk honey into their other drinks, but make sure that you add the honey after it reaches the temperature of the drink 'drink', significance is not too cold or hot. Some mothers say that their children only drink milk or milo, and so on, so, mix honey into their drink after drink was not too hot. This is because, the efficacy of honey will be destroyed if the temperature extremes. According to a book, honey not be mixed with cold water (such as icy water).

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