Sabtu, 18 April 2015

Nama botani : Oxalis barrelieri Linn Nama lain : Belimbing Tanah Famili : Oxalidaceae

Nama botani : Oxalis barrelieri Linn
Nama lain : Belimbing Tanah
Famili : Oxalidaceae

Ketinggian Pokok : 500mm

Barrelieri L. Oxalidaceae Oxalis. CN: [Malay - sand Raspberry, Raspberry hill, Hongkong], Lavender sorrel, Barrelier's woodsorrel. Oxalis is the largest genus in the family (wood sorrel) wood-sorrel Oxalidaceae: There are about 900 species have been identified from the Oxalidaceae, only 800 found. This plant is available in most of the world, except for the polar regions; Species diversity is particularly rich ditropikal Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa.
Most of the species known as wood-Sorrels (in english America, usually written "woodsorrels" or "Wood Sorrels") because it tastes acid (acid). Some species called Sorrels yellow or red Sorrels Sepena name of the flower color.

This small herb plants have green stems. height reaches
0.5 m. The leaves are compound types, contains three pieces of leaflets round. Purple flowers whitish. Fruit is a green to black, and feel sour.
This tree is easily grown in home gardens, roadsides and fields.

Usefulness and efficacy
-basket Land starfruit tree (roots, leaves and fruit) boiled until boiling. A decoction is taken twice a day to cure hemorrhoids, hypertension, and diabetes. Water is also believed to be effective for treating kidney failure, and can eliminate the soil Heart. fresh raspberries soil can be used to lower high blood pressure. Black fruit found to be more effective.

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